Mariia Yefremova's profile

"1001 Nights". Study of style

This project was created as a test of a new style for the animated series "1001 Nights" from the animation studio Big Bad Boo. I decided to study the style in stages.
Above, you can see the final version of the first stage of my studying. This is a composition of all characters, some objects and a background combined together. 
First, I decided to study the structure and features of the main characters. To do this, I looked at the available online videos of the series and examined all the characters frame by frame. Secondly, I decided to copy each character (not circle over the screenshot, but try to draw as similar as possible to the original), using and analyzing the previously obtained style data. In this way, I managed to get very similar characters and try to recreate the path done by the original artist in reverse order, decomposing the character into the main components of his image - the thickness of the lines, their smoothness and curvature, general shapes and small details that complement the image.
I did the same with the background and a few inanimate objects, which generally complemented each other and created the feeling of a completed scene.
The next step was to consolidate the acquired knowledge on the example of creating my own characters, backgrounds and objects. As a longtime and affectionate fan of the Harry Potter universe, I decided to recreate a few characters from my beloved wizarding world. The choice fell on 2 adults and 2 children of both sexes. In this way, I created illustrations of Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, as well as Minerva McGonagall and Sirius Black. I placed all the characters and a few magical objects against a background reminiscent of the backyard of Hogwarts School of Wizardry.
And the final stage of my study of style and my attempt to delve into the knowledge of character animation was drawing one of the characters from all angles and creating a rotation.
In conclusion, I want to say that this exercise helped me a lot to understand the new style and feel the idea behind the creation of the characters. The animated series turned out to be very interesting, intriguing, instructive and amazingly suitable for children!
P.S. I'm not an animator at all, but I tried to make a short video of the character walking. How I love watching a static picture come to life!
"1001 Nights". Study of style

"1001 Nights". Study of style
